Newest Episodes
20: Detained – Star Trek Enterprise Season 1, Episode 21
Listen nowMatt and Sean talk about holding the innocent captive because of fear, and what happens when a show starts to find its footing.
19: Oasis – Star Trek Enterprise Season 1, Episode 20
Listen nowMatt and Sean talk about doing anything for your child, even making them a prisoner (along with the viewer).
18: Acquisition – Star Trek Enterprise Season 1, Episode 19
Listen nowMatt and Sean discuss a smash-and-grab, underwear, and a Ferengi ret-con. A fret-con?
17: Rogue Planet – Star Trek Enterprise Season 1, Episode 18
Listen nowMatt and Sean discuss a planet so boring even its star didn’t want it.
16: Fusion – Star Trek Enterprise Season 1, Episode 17
Listen nowMatt and Sean discuss the introduction of a more balanced (or unbalanced) Vulcan presence, and the dangers that come with it.
15: Shuttlepod One – Star Trek Enterprise Season 1, Episode 16
Listen nowMatt and Sean discuss one person (Sean) suffering a cold, lonely death while watching two characters suffer a cold lonely death.
14: Shadows of P’Jem – Star Trek Enterprise Season 1, Episode 15
Listen nowMatt and Sean talk about logic that leads to bad acts (e.g. when Vulcans act like jerks) and how useful Andorian antennas must be.
13: Sleeping Dogs – Star Trek Enterprise Season 1, Episode 14
Listen nowMatt and Sean talk about Klingons, gas giants, and sweating with friends. Seriously.
12: Dear Doctor – Star Trek Enterprise Season 1, Episode 13
Listen nowMatt and Sean talk about the first episode that feels like it’s fully “Trek,” and how it gets there through a terrible moral dilemma.
11: Silent Enemy – Star Trek Enterprise Season 1, Episode 12
Listen nowMatt and Sean talk about the Enterprise being fitted with weapons of the future, and finding out a characters favorite food … no seriously that’s what happens in this episode.