How long is it going to take to rewatch all of Star Trek
Add a dozen years to today’s stardate. Seriously, it’s going to take a while because we’re watching and discussing one episode a week. We may start consolidating multi-part episodes into one podcast discussion to speed things up.
Where can I watch Star Trek to follow along?
The best place to watch episodes before listening to our show is on Paramount+.
How do I view my Ensign/subscription benefits?
After signing up as an Ensign, you should receive an email about your subscription and custom RSS feed for the subscriber only podcast. You can also log into your account here on Click into your member account and you’ll find the RSS subscription link.
How can I contact you?
Feel free to contact me through the contact form on the website. We receive a lot of messages, so we may not be able to reply to every message. However, all messages are read.